Form for sharing radiotherapy news and updates

If you have any news stories and updates that you want to share on the Northern Radiotherapy Network website and our social media channels, please complete this form.

We've been doing a lot of work to raise the profile of the network and the work we are doing with our network colleagues to improve patients' experiences of radiotherapy, improve access to information about radiotherapy and increase recruitment to clinical trials.

The network website is well used and it's a great resource for sharing information for patients, as well as sharing news and updates about developments at each of the centres.

But it's really important that we keep the content up to date.

See monthly website visits data below;


Name of person completing form *

Email address of person completing the form *

Which Centre(s) are involved? *

Headline/Title *

Please include the headline/title to be used.

What do you want to share? *

Please include any relevant dates/timescales.

Why is this important and what are the benefits for staff and/or patients? *

Please state the key people and what their involvement has been. *

When do you want the story to be shared? *

Where do you want the story shared? *

Please attach an appropriate photo/image to be used with the article.