Radiotherapy Outpatient Satisfaction Survey - Northern Centre for Cancer Care, North Cumbria.

We are always looking to improve the service we provide and would be grateful for your help in completing this survey. It is completely voluntary and anonymous and if you have any queries, please ask the radiographers or email

For more about Radiotherapy in North Cumbria and the Northern Radiotherapy Network, please visit
You can click on the links at the end of the survey to take you straight there.

1a. What written information were you offered about your treatment? Tick all that apply *

1b. Who offered you this written information? Tick all that apply. *

1c. When were you offered this written information? Tick all that apply. *

1d. How do you rate the written information you received? *

1e. How would you prefer to receive written information? *

1f. Did you receive all the written information you would have liked? *

1g. Do you have any comments about the information you received/would like to receive? This question is not mandatory.

1h) Were you given any information about taking part in a clinical trial?

1i) Who gave you information about the clinical trial? *

1j) Did you take part in a clinical trial?

1h. Were you aware of the Macmillan Cancer Information Centre in the main atrium at Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle? *

1i. Were you aware of the Maggie's Centre in Newcastle, over the road from NCCC Newcastle? *

2a. If your appointments had to be changed, were you informed at least one day in advance? *

2b. Did your treatment usually start within 30 minutes of your appointment time? *

2c. Were you informed of any delays during your treatment? *

3a. What was your first impression when you entered the department? This question is not mandatory.

3b. How would you rate the cleanliness of the department overall? *

3c. How would you rate the cleanliness of the toilet facilities? *

4a. Do you feel you were treated with dignity and respect during your treatment? *

4b. Did the staff you met introduce themselves? *

5a. Do you feel that you received adequate support to manage any treatment side effects? *

5b. If you had TELEPHONE clinics during treatment, how did you find them? (Tick all that apply) *

5c. If you had FACE TO FACE clinics during treatment, how did you find them? (Tick all that apply) *

6. Overall, how would you rate the care that you have received at NCCC North Cumbria? *

7. Finally, is there anything you feel we could do to improve your radiotherapy experience? This question is not mandatory.

Equality monitoring information - these questions are optional

We are asking the following questions so we can ensure that patients’ experiences of receiving radiotherapy are equitable regardless of where on their body they were treated with radiotherapy and their treatment regime, along with their age, background and other protected characteristics.

All the questions are optional, and you may choose the ones you respond to, but your answers will help us to further improve radiotherapy services for our patients.

A) During this course of treatment, on which part of your body have you received radiotherapy? Please select all that apply. *

B) How many treatments have you had in this course of treatment?

C) Which best describes your age?

D) Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?

E) Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were assigned at birth?

F) How do you describe your sexual orientation?

G) Do you have a disability? The Equality Act (2010) defines a disability as 'a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the person's ability to carry out normal day to day activities'.

H) If you answered “Yes” to question G, please indicate your disability:

I) What is your ethnic origin? Ethnic group describes how you see yourself and is a mixture of culture, religion, skin colour, language, and the origins of yourself or your family. It is different from nationality.

J) Are you a carer?

K) How would you best describe your religion?

Thank you for your valuable feedback. If you would like to find out more about Radiotherapy in North Cumbria and the Northern Radiotherapy Network, please visit

Information about the MacMillan Cancer Information Centre in Carlisle:

Information about Maggie's Centre in Newcastle: